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The Umstead Coalition 
Celebrating Umstead State Park since 1934!

Public Input Needed on the Scoping Phase of the Environmental Assessment for New Main RDU Runway

08/07/2021 2:39 PM | Anonymous

The RDU Airport Authority (RDUAA) is in the “scoping” phase of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the new main runway at RDU.

The “scoping” is like developing a Table of Contents. It determines the content of the EA. The “scoping” is a critical portion of the EA as it determines what is required to be evaluated. If a topic is in the “scoping,” then RDUAA and their consultants must include it in the EA.

If a topic is not in the “scoping,” then RDUAA and their consultants can ignore the topic.

We support the new main runway and terminal gate expansion on the West side of the RDU airport.

However, we need to ensure that there is a solid EA that 1) considers the full expansion (not partial expansion) of these items as per the RDU Vision 2040 plan and 2) facilitates appropriate mitigation of environmental impacts.

RDUAA is segmenting projects – meaning they are breaking up the grand vision into smaller projects so as to make some parts seem less benign. So, while the extended runway project does not on the surface involve the Odd Fellows Tract, Tract 286, Lake Crabtree, and Umstead State Park; in the grand scheme of things, it does.

Essentially a new main runway is to be built west of the current main runway and the current main runway will become a taxiway. In the grand plan, RDUAA will ultimately be extending the main runway (5L/23R) by 1,500 feet. But, for now, they are trying only to scope out a shorter version of the main runway. Then, in a few years, they will come back and ask for more. The sum total of the effects will be more impactful than the little pieces.

So, now is the time to submit thoughts, questions and comments. Think long term. Click "Start writing" for some letter-writing tips along with some things that we need to ask to be in the EA. Feel free to use these ideas, but please try to tweak them into your own words.

Submit your comments now>>

The Umstead Coalition

We are a nonprofit dedicated to preserving the natural integrity of William B. Umstead State Park and the Richland Creek Corridor.


The Umstead Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.